Saturday, 18 April 2020

Second new batch

The second set of finished floats from those awaiting completion in the shed.

A bodied waggler, balsa on cane, and matching crucian waggler of balsa on pheasant quill. I quite like the way the pheasant quill has turned out, it seems difficult to tell if the quill is going to show a pleasing pattern or not before the herl is removed.

Another worthwhile read

Whilst the part-finished floats seemed too good to discard but still a bit of a burden at first, it appears the spindle on the lathe I use to turn bodies now has an unacceptable amount of run out and as such is out of commission, so the old stock awaiting completion is now a blessing until a repair is possible or a replacement lathe sourced.

Every cloud and all that, I feel a new investment for the shed coming on....

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